What does dancing have to do with war?

Interestingly enough, the clothing item with the most explanation on the IC store website is not about the IC campaign at all. They also sell a t-shirt to promote the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, which was founded by a friend of IC. This blurb appears below the LXD T-shirt:

The LXD Shirt represents the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers, featured on the 2010 Academy Awards and founded by friend of IC and film director, Jon M. Chu. This shirt is made with 100% organic Ugandan cotton, through our continued work with EDUN LIVE. 50% of the proceeds go to IC to help end Africa's longest running war.

This type of description would be perfect to include below at least some of their most provocative t-shirts whose message may not be clear just by the image displayed on them. Not only does it explain the reasoning behind the t-shirt, but it also includes a link directly the the LXD website. Including individual links to campaign specific pages on their website that are directly related to the designs of the t-shirts would greatly increase the effectiveness of spreading their message using people power.

In our interview Jedediah mentioned that the real purpose of IC is to change the way all humans react to each other's suffering. IC wants to create an entire cultural change and influence the way people live their everyday lives for others. What better way to do this tan by starting with the clothing people wear on their backs? I don't think that IC is realizing the full potential that they have with really pursuing their mandate by utilizing the apparel aspect of their campaign. Clothing is something people use in their everyday lives and is the perfect way to work towards realizing their goal of influencing people's lifestyles.


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