Getting ready to interview IC

So tomorrow is the big day! We will have an entire hour to ask our toughest questions to IC's communication manager.

IC heard our voice and responded. In turn, it is now up to us to confront IC on its role as a medium/platform for Uganda's (multiple) voices. Do these voices get lost in translation? Does IC try to avoid essentializing these voices? Is IC only concerned with the children's voices? Is there a way to overcome the dilemma of humanitarianism, between portraying the "african other" as a "victim" and attracting Western donors' attention?

This is a great opportunity for us to discuss critical questions that are not necessarily tackled on IC's website, on their multiple social networking accounts, in their movies or in mainstream media.

We will ask critical questions and hopefully , we will get critical (yet, down to earth) responses!

Looking forward to it.

Getting ready to interview IC from Visible People on Vimeo.


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