"Advocacy in a Box" Good or Bad???

The Advocacy Group in our class just finished their final presentation of their project and in doing so made some strong and somewhat controversial arguments about the effectiveness of IC's. The main point that I had an issue with was the argument that the "25 Action Kit" is a limited and ineffective way of marketing advocacy to the IC consumer.

While I would agree that it is problematic to the overall informative advocacy campaign to have Ugandan stories "for sale," as the Advocacy Group put it, this kit is the ONLY product available in the IC store that is focused on advocacy. It is realistic to assume that this is a limited scope of the conflict, however none of the other products on the sight even promote anything beyond consumerism and promotion of their brand. If IC is targeting a demographic that is focused on consumer culture and is willing to pay for a t-shirt, then why not also provide that same audience with the option to "donate" more money by exercising their purchasing power on a product that makes them feel more informed about the conflict?

Check out the Advocacy Group's blog to learn more about their "Advocacy Manifesto" as outlined by their presentation: beliebersinadvocacy.wordpress.com


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